Don't be Afraid of the Doctor

Essential Things You Should Know About a Vascular Ultrasound

Has your doctor recommended that you get a vascular ultrasound done? Vascular ultrasounds are one of the non-invasive and useful procedures your physician may recommend when they need to examine your body's blood vessels, including arteries and veins.

However, if it's your first time to undergo this ultrasound, you might be reluctant. Gathering as much information as you can on the procedure can help you make informed decisions. This post will share some key details to keep you in the know before getting the procedure done.

Is vascular ultrasound beneficial?

This ultrasound plays an essential role when it comes to detecting the existence and severity of a circulatory condition. Medical experts also rely on the ultrasound to diagnose blood clots in veins, especially in legs and arms, a condition that's referred to as deep vein thrombosis. Blood clots cause severe complications that might even be life-threatening. They can also rely on the ultrasound to verify if your abdomen is affected by vascular disease.

So, if your doctor has recommended that you get an ultrasound done, you should know that they want to monitor blood flow in tissues and organs and detect enlarged arteries. The examination will also confirm if your blood is clotting, identify blockages, determine if you qualify for angioplasty or verify if procedures like bypass or graft were successful.

How is the ultrasound done?

This procedure involves the use of sound waves. When you show up for the examination, the expert will place a handheld device (transducer) on your body and move it around the target area. A hypoallergenic gel is usually applied to help move the transducer easily.

The device will collect and transmit high-frequency sounds to a computer where images of the sound waves will be created in real-time. These waves will show how blood is flowing through the vessels. The good news is that the ultrasound is painless, and you won't be exposed to radiation.

What will be done after the procedure?

Once the examination is done, the radiologist will take time to review all the images the computer projected. A report that interprets the readings will be drafted and sent to your doctor mostly a day after the examination.

The radiologist may also talk to you about concerns they may have regarding the results. If not, they will let the doctor discuss everything with you and then customise the treatment. Do not hesitate to ask questions if you need some clarity regarding the results.
