Don't be Afraid of the Doctor

What to Do If Your Smile Makes You Cry

Do you believe in first impressions? Evidently, when you meet somebody who you've never met before, you will subconsciously create your own opinion about the person based on visual and audible triggers. One of the main factors you will take into consideration is the authenticity of their smile. It's not surprising, therefore, that people put so much emphasis on their teeth, as they are such a big part of that facial expression. If you really want to create a good impression on others, especially when going for something as important as a job interview, you've got to focus on your teeth. What can you do if you feel that you need work done?

Options, Options

Today, dental techniques are very advanced, and it is certainly possible for you to get a full makeover in the smile department. Dentists are highly trained to take a look at your situation and come up with a plan that is tailor-made for you.

Years ago, your only option may have been to have a complete set of new dentures, but now an orthodontist can work wonders with what you have. For example, you may want to straighten out some crooked molars, change the colour of your front facing teeth or even swap some old fillings for new ones that match their surroundings better.

On the Straight and Narrow

If you happen to be very self-conscious about your appearance, you needn't worry about overly visible braces. Today, aligners come in a clear variety, and they can even be placed behind the teeth instead of in front. It's also possible to have thin, porcelain veneers attached to the front of your teeth instead to give you a completely new look in a relatively short space of time.

Teeth that are chipped or broken can be mended before additional crowns or veneers are attached, depending on the extent of the existing damage.

Closing It up

If you have any gaps, especially if they are visible, then you may like to consider having an implant. Once again, the technology is so advanced these days that implants can be as strong as the teeth that surround them and can fit in unobtrusively.

Changing Colour

Not happy about the colour? This shouldn't be a problem, as once you've had a deep cleaning to remove any surrounding plaque, your dentist can give you a professional whitening service using premium grade materials.

Making Your Shopping List

Make a note of everything you're not happy with and what you would like to see changed before your visit. Then, talk it all through with the dentist and come up with a plan to move forward. After taking care of all the immediate or more urgent needs, you can look forward to a smile that makes you smile!
